Terms & Conditions


Please take the time to read through our terms and conditions and contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


Course Fees

A completed online booking form and payment in full is required to confirm your reservation on a Flow State Adventures course.

Cancellation by Client

All cancellations must be made in writing and sent via email to info@flowstateadventures.com .

  • From the time of payment to 30 days prior to the course start date: Flow State Adventures will issue a full refund.

  • 29 days to 15 days prior to the course start date: Flow State Adventures will retain 50% of all payments made to date.

  • Less 14 days prior to the course start date: Flow State Adventures will retain all payments made to date.

Exceptions to the aforementioned cancellation schedule may be made at the discretion of Flow State Adventures if a replacement booking is confirmed 48 hours prior to the course start date.

Cancellation by Flow State Adventures

Flow State Adventures reserves the right to cancel any course because of inadequate enrollment that makes the course economically infeasible to operate or because of good-faith concerns with respect to the safety, health, or welfare of the participants. We make every attempt to ensure that advertised courses do actually run, but do reserve the right to cancel at any time where the bookings fail to reach a viable minimum number. In the event where conditions are deemed to be unsuitable, as much notice as possible will be given and participants will be offered the following options:

  • Full refund of fees paid.

  • Reschedule for the same course on alternative dates.

Flow State Adventures will not be liable for payments made to other service providers, such as travel, accommodation and equipment hire.

Change of Venue

Flow State Adventures commits to providing the best possible experience for our participants. We ask you to remain flexible as conditions may arise that necessitate venue changes throughout your course. Please ensure that the email address and phone number provided on your booking form are correct and up-to-date.

Kayaks & Equipment

Flow State Adventures kayaks and equipment must be returned in the condition they were received. General wear and tear is acceptable; however, loss of a kayak or equipment or any damage which renders the item unusable, incurred outside of organised training activities, will be the participant’s responsibility to reimburse for the cost of the replacement. We recommend personal insurance that covers for loss or damage.

All personal equipment including kayaks are the responsibility of the owner. Flow State Adventures recommends personal insurance cover for your equipment in the event of loss or damage.

Personal Belongings

Flow State Adventures will not be held responsible for the loss or damage to personal property, equipment or vehicles during your course. We strongly recommend that you leave valuables such as jewelry, watches and non-waterproof cameras at home.

Safety, Health & Fitness

When booking a Flow State Adventures course, you accept that there is an element of risk in all outdoor activities. Our highly experienced and qualified team will make decisions and provide guidance leading up to and during your course to ensure your safety. In booking, you agree to follow the instructions and guidance provided by our team. We require that you act sensibly and prudently at all times with regard to your safety, the safety of others and use of kayaks and equipment.

Participants must have the appropriate level of fitness required for the course booked. You must advise our team of any medical or non-medical conditions that may affect your safety and enjoyment or that of other participants. If you do not declare medical conditions at the time of booking, Flow State Adventures reserves the right to refuse your participation in the course.

Insurance Information

All Flow State Adventures courses are protected by Professional Indemnity insurance cover. All lead coaches will be appropriately qualified Sea Kayak Coaches, with current British Canoeing membership and first aid qualifications. This insurance does not cover individual participants for claims arising from personal accident, loss of possessions or inability to attend any or all coaching days. We strongly recommend all participants to ensure that they have appropriate personal insurance in place to cover them against such eventualities.

Photographs & Video

Photographs and video may be taken during your course and Flow State Adventures reserves the right to use these images for promotional purposes. Please email our team in advance at info@flowstateadventures.com if you do not want photographs and video taken during your course and/or if you do not want them used for promotional purposes.

Data Protection

By submitting your contact information during the online booking process, you are acknowledging that the information you provide will be transferred to Flow State Adventures for processing in accordance with Flow State Adventures Privacy Policy. You consent to receive communications via email and phone and understand that your information will never be shared with or transferred to third parties except as explicitly required to fulfill safety, health and/or insurance requirements.